Things to know about pneumonia
by Groshan Fabiola
The inflammation of your lungs is known in medical terms as pneumonia. This is the result of bacterial infection or a virus infection. A person usually develops pneumonia when his/ her defense system is weak, mostly this weakness coming from an upper respiratory infection or just a cold or the flu. However, you have to keep in mind that these conditions do not cause pneumonia, just make you more likely to develop it. The flu, a cold or an upper respiratory infection alter your mucous blanket and thus they encourage the growth of bacteria that ultimately leads to pneumonia. These are the most important factors that lead to pneumonia, however there are also some other conditions or factors that can have pneumonia as a result.
There are several ways to define pneumonia. Depending on its location in your lungs or the origin of the infection, there are different names and ways of treatment. Pneumonia can be defined in two ways when it comes to the location of this disease in you lings: there is lombar pneumonia, that happens in one lobe of your lungs and you can also suffer from broncho pneumonia, that tends to be uneven. Pneumonia can also be defined by the origin of your infection. In this case there are two main categories that can predict what are the organisms most likely to be the culprits. The first category is: community acquired, that means that pneumonia is contacted outside hospitals. In this cases, pneumonia is usually the result of a viral infection of your respiratory system. This type of pneumonia affects almost four million people every year. The main cause of this pneumonia type is a bacteria caused streptococcus. Other bacteria like mycoplasma or chlamydia are also some of the possible causes of pneumonia that is community acquired. The second category of pneumonia is: hospital acquired. This type of pneumonia is also known as nosocomial pneumonia. People that are in hospital become very vulnerable to negative bacteria and these are the main causes of pneumonia in this case.
Moreover, there are also different ways of disease process that consequently lead to pneumonia. In most of the cases, a person inhales the bacteria that causes pneumonia and this enters the lungs. However, one can also aspire the bacteria that is found in his/ her mouth, usually when a gag reflex is repressed. Another way that one can get pneumonia is from the infections that he/ she has in other organs. The bacteria travels through your bloodstream and reaches the lungs causing pneumonia.
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Things to know about pneumonia
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