Preventing Pneumonia With A Simple Vaccination
by Ethan Armitage
Pneumonia is an infectious disease that can affect on or both lungs of a person. This condition used to be a leading cause of death 2 hundred years ago. Pneumonia is produced by microorganisms that damage the tissues of the lungs and cause infections. If it is left untreated, this condition can become very serious.
For its treatment, antibiotics are successfully used. It is important for this treatment to be taken as soon as possible because if it is left untreated, it can generate serious complications. Because of its resembling symptoms, most people confuse it with a strong cold and they only realize it is pneumonia after the symptoms aggravate. The best thing to do is to prevent this disease through a pneumonia vaccine.
Protection against the pneumonia can be provided by a vaccine. Why is it important to prevent pneumonia? Because the infection of the lungs can be spread to other parts of the body and damage the whole organism. Getting a pneumonia vaccine is a good thing to do especially for old people and for people with weakened immune system.
The pneumonia vaccine is also recommended to people that work in hospitals or that have to spend some time in a hospital because the pneumonia is spreading through air and if one infected patient sneezes or coughs, the germ can spread on a very wide area and infect many people. The vaccine usually lasts a lifetime and it can spare a person of a lot of trouble with only one shot. In the cases of people that suffer from other conditions or affected immune system, the vaccination is recommended to be done periodically because sometimes pneumonia can kill.
Also, in the case of people over the age of 65 but who have had a pneumonia vaccine in the past, a doctor's opinion should be asked for. That opinion will probably be to take a new vaccine because the risks are increased after that age. The vaccine begins to work after two weeks.
Although the effectiveness of the vaccine is 100%, there may be some factors that can weaken it. One of those factors would be the stress. There are cases of people that live or work in stressful environments that may require the vaccination to be taken yearly. As side effects of this vaccine, in very rare cases fever and irritation may appear.
For more information on the pneumonia vaccine, talk to your doctor. This shot can spare a man of a lot of trouble.
About the Author
What is a Diagnosis of Pneumonia ? Read about pneumonia symptoms and walking pneumonia
Labels: pneumonia treatment
Preventing Pneumonia With A Simple Vaccination
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